Thursday, July 2, 2009

No Time To Loose!

Can you believe it?

WOW! Time is passing so quickly! Yesterday and all of it's bad and good is behind us. Everybody wants to know what does the future hold? The Stock Market is in a tail spin, home owners are loosing their homes right and left. About the only main Industrial "biggy" we got left, is the Automotive, and it looks bad for them. Well, the Politicians say don't worry, everything will be OK in a few months.

We will all get a little older, may even have a new ache or pain, but God is still the same. When you start looking back to see what you have done with your life thus far, what do you see? Satisfaction or sadness? Of course, hind sight is always 20/20 as the old saying goes, but we really can improve the rest of our life by taking a look back. This will only happen if we really see the short comings and decide to do something about what we see.

I took a look at my life almost 60 years ago. I didn't like it, but I seemed powerless to be able to change it very much. I just could not get certain things off my mind and so I thought on these things for months until finally I remembered back in my early childhood how the church taught Jesus was the answer to all my problems. After considering this for a while I decided that maybe a little prayer to God might help me in this area of my life.

I remembered some verses ( I'm not sure they were word for word) but I was sure they gave me permission to ask God for help. It was a very simple prayer, something like this;

O Lord, I have done everything wrong and most
of all I have left you out of my life. Please

forgive me and help me to know what I need to
do now. I know Jesus died on the cross for my
sins so I'm asking for you to forgive me because
Jesus paid for them. I will do my best to obey
and live according to the Bible the rest of my life.
With that simple prayer my life turned around. Everything began to be different, worry was changed into satisfaction, my family all seemed different, my job was easier to do and I began to actually enjoy working.

We started going to church right away and found people that had been just like us; hung-up in a DOWN TURN LIFE until they prayed that simple prayer. Now they were all rejoicing and enjoying life to the full.

Does this mean they didn't have any problems? NO! but they were able to face problems with a new confidence that The Heavenly Father would bring them through some way.

You know what? God really did come through every time for them and He will for me and anybody else that will turn their life over to Him.If you are having troubles, or if you find that your relationship with God isn't what it should be, why don't you consider doing what I did many years ago?

I have never been sorry that I prayed that simple prayer. If you really mean it with all your heart and are really going to turn from the old way, God will meet you at every turn of the way.

I hope something I have said will help you along life's way today. Can I send you some helps in the mail? They are free, just for the asking. Let's live a life of "Peace" and "LOVE" .

Remember God controls the future.God Bless you, Dave

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